Monday, November 2, 2009


We went to visit some people in an upper-class slum today. Instead of the temporary mud buildings, most of the dwellings were stone or concrete. We went for lunch and it was somewhat like the salesmen at the Masai Market, except they were trying to get me to eat instead of buy something at an insane price. "Isaac, don't you want some more?" "Oh, thank you, but I am quite full. But it is very good and I wish I could eat more." "Are you sure? Among our people, if much food is left that means it was not prepared well." etc...
Driving out of the area was like driving through a crowded store. There were people sitting in the mud on both sides of the road (though it could hardly be called a road, jammed with people, animals, and carts, some of which were stuck in the enormous mudholes) selling cloth, roasted maize, shoes, and assorted other items. There were people on all sides, one rather demented looking fellow walked by and announced, "I lost my mind!" I think he was right.
Here are some pictures of the Bird of Paradise flower that is blooming in the yard.

It's flower structure is not like any flower I have seen before.


  1. Lovely, another post! I really like the pictures. So, are you getting fluent enough in Swahili to understand the guy who announced that he'd lost his mind, or did someone translate for you?

  2. Kelsea said...
    That's a cool flower!

  3. I still only know a small amount of Swahili, only enough to catch a few words in a conversation. The guy was speaking english.

    Thanks, Kelsea!

  4. I'm in a coffee shop reading this and I may or may not have cried laughing in public while reading your posts. Nobody can prove that I did anyway. But you should be a National Geographic Photographer! Because A. you have such an eye for the simple beauty in people and nature, B. I always wanted to do that but unfortunately I hate taking pictures and why should I when I can live vicariously through you? and C. you're so handsome that you'd still look great even if you had to wear those stupid fishing vests for all your camera equipment and a ridiculous safari hat like the one Chad has. (Ash him to show it to you sometime. It's the ugliest hat in the world, but he's terribly attached to it.)

  5. You have such a way with words it makes me laugh every time I read your blog!!!! Even the stuff that would scare me to death seems light and fun through yours eyes and words!!! Your sister is right you could take pictures for National Geographic, for the conservation department or even for calendar companies!!!! Your pictures are always soooo BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I absolutly LOVE the Bird of Paradise flowers, they are so very pretty!!!! Keep up the great work!!!
